
Pricing Plan

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  • Safe personal details to gain visibility
  • Access database of Pharmacists
  • Access the database of Pharmacies
  • Access the database of Approved drugs


  • Save their health status for delivery of appropriate drugs
  • Access the database of Pharmacies
  • Access the database of Approved drugs


₦5000 per annum
  • Save details of business to gain visibility
  • Store their drug inventory
  • Access database of Pharmacists
  • Access the database of Pharmacies
  • Access the database of Approved drugs
  • Access Database of Patients/ individuals
  • Access database of drugs manufacturers/ importers


per annum
  • Save details of business to gain visibility
  • Store the inventory of their equipment and vehicles
  • Access the database of Pharmacies
  • Access the database of Approved drugs
  • Access database of drugs manufacturers/ importers

Users of KUMU

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These consist of only outlets owned and operated by an individual who is a member of a recognized pharmaceutical professional body that is appropriately registered. They will use this platform to gain visibility, facilitate partnership with other professional and provide customers with drug on their inventory in real-time. They only have ability to change the details of their resident Pharmacist and their stock records under defined circumstances.


These are professionals who are recognized by the Pharmacy Council of Nigeria and licensed to practice as pharmacist in Nigeria. To enjoy the full benefit of their registration they must be registered with their professional association in this case the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) and Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN). In using Kumu they will get wider visibility and will have the opportunity of collaborating with other professionals. They will be able to better the feature of this App to better evaluate patients in the dispensing of recommended drugs.


Users will have the capacity to provide their bio statistics and details of their health status which are relevant in the dispensing of drugs. This will ensure they are only sold brands of drugs that are fit for them. They can also use the platform to search identify safe and approved drugs. They can also use the platform to identify drugs outlets that store recommended drugs granting them easy and fast access to needed drugs without compromising quality.


Transport and logistics Service provider who register on Kumu will have the opportunity to advertise their services and gain wider visibility. Their enrolment makes it possible for their services to be identified and procured in the safe movement and distribution of drugs across the country. Their access as organisations is limited to their capacity to provide details of the assets and equipments they have that can be used to store and distribute drugs across the country.
